Friday, May 21, 2010

Artichokes with Tarragon Mustard Dressing

Sometimes the simplest of recipes turn out to be the best. It is certainly the case with this one. Artichoke season is upon us and an abundance of this rather unfriendly prickly vegetable lines the supermarket aisles. Looks can be deceiving because underneath the thorny exterior lies a soft, buttery, and smooth inside which I was first introduced to thanks to our friend Martine.

One summer, while visiting Paris, we paid a visit to my mother's uncle who has been living there for quite sometime. Martine, my great uncle, and my family drove to a forest a little outside the city and went on a gorgeous ten mile hike. I remember stopping for a picnic and devouring what must have been an assortment of salads and sandwiches. I don't remember the specifics but what stuck with me, from almost two decades ago, were the delicious steamed artichokes Martine served up as an appetizer for dinner that night.

I was immediately hooked. I remember eagerly peeling off each leaf, dipping it into the delicious vinagrette, and dragging my teeth over it to get to the smooth buttery substance inside. It was absolutely delicious.

Twenty years later I found myself remembering that artichoke as I bought a few and took them home. I snipped off the prickly part of the leaves, added them to a pot with some herb infused water, and let it steam for almost an hour while I watched some TV. After the leaves were soft I made a delicious mustard tarragon dipping sauce and my husband and I greedily peeled off the leaves one by one until all that was left was the heart.

It makes for a great appetizer or snack and as we discovered, it really is addictive.

Ingredients for Artichokes
2 artichokes
2 tsp chopped tarragon
1 dried bay leaf

Ingredients for Dipping Sauce
3 tsp chopped tarragon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp whole grain dijon mustard
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tbsp white vinegar

Cut off the artichoke stem at the bottom and then pull of any dark leaves in that area. Cut off the top 1/2 inch of the artichoke with a knife and then snip off the sharp tips of the remaining leaves with a scissor.

Put two cups of water in a pot and add the bay leaf, tarragon, and salt. Bring the water to a boil and then place the artichokes inside with the bottom side down. Sprinkle the salt on top, lower the heat, and cover the pot. Let the artichokes steam for about an hour until the leaves are very soft and tender.

Mix all the ingredients for the dipping sauce together and serve on the side. Peel off the leaves from the artichoke, dip it in the sauce, and then drag your teeth over the inside to get to the smooth buttery substance.

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